Sunday, May 26, 2013

Fashion, based media? (Exploring)

This post might be not so related to topic, but I call it an "exploring" post. 

Fashion,  the meaning I found in

- a prevailing custom or style of dress, etiquette, socializing, etc.: the latest fashion in dresses.

- conventional usage in dress, manners, etc., especially of polite society, or conformity to it: thedictates of fashion; to be out of fashion.

- manner; way; mode: in a warlike fashion.

- the make or form of anything: He liked the fashion of the simple, sturdy furniture.

- a kind; sort: All fashions of people make up the world.


However, fashion is a trend that everybody practices it not only for women but also men. Fashion is a style of dressing, something mix and match between clothes and accessories that to perform more fashionable. Sometimes, fashion can reveal on the personalities of the person, how the people's behavior, different dressing that could bring out different message. 

Image taken from :

For instance, I found an interesting news published by Daniel Bates it's about "How what a woman wears can reveal more than she ever intended about her personality."

This article is about getting off of fashion ruts, however ,inside has some interesting points such as women who wearing wearing too much jewelry that could be an attempt to tell others you are rich, but actually implies that you are having money problems, other such as wearing short skirt could be an attention seeker, wearing high heels are less intelligent but giving confidence as they can be look same tall as men.

What is fashion based media?

In my own definition of fashion based on media is , fashion nowadays can be promote based on different media such as advertisement, magazines, newspaper, or event social media such as Facebook, Instagram and so on. 

Image taken from :

At the same time, fashion based media can be use to promote their own brand, spreading their own brand so one they get famous ,they can get more consumers to buy their own product .

However, social media is the newest muse for fashion as it has more opportunity to evolve platform used by the fashion industry to generate discussion, brand recognition, and improve consumer relations through interactivity and networking. (Hillary Preece , 2012)

As social media is a rapid way to promote fashion, as they could also get feedbacks from the consumers, they could know their consumers well. The model plays an essential roles in any fashion media because model could brings out the mood of the brand itself and to attract more buyers. 

For example, the owner of LOFT Ann Taylor has her new product with a new pair of pants worn by a skinny model in the Facebook page. However, by looking the model,  she got complaint from the commenters as one said the outfits that only suit with certain height and skinny people.  Therefore, she changed and posting severals new photos of employees that wearing the same pants but in size of 2 to 12. From that they get a good respond as one woman wrote that is a fabulous idea. 

The Daria Shualy , a former fashion editor who launched a website Sense of Fashion said "The whole idea is to create a closeness between customers and designers, there is something about fashion that comes across as inaccessible. That’s all changing. Today consumers are expecting direct access and a say." 

In fact, the social media is a greatest tool that can draw closer between the retailer and consumer as they easily get what consumer really needs so that they can improve it and boost their sales.


Bates, D. (2012) Dressing to impress: How what a woman wears can reveal more than she ever intended about her personality [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 May 2013].

I found this articles is so interesting about the meaning of how women's wearing.

Bourne, L. (2010) Social Media Is Fashion's Newest Muse. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 May 2013].

Found the articles of talking some example that can be use to describe further my point. (2013) The definition of fashion. [Online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 May 2013].

I search for dictionary for the definition of fashion to more understand what is the term of fashion.

H& (2012) Fashion Media Update - Spring style at H&M 2012. [Image online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 May 2013].

I use this image just showing the brand of fashion.

Preece, H. (2012) Examining Social Media Use in Fashion: The Need for Industry Standards.[Online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 May 2013].

Found this article that support what I'm talking about the fashion based media can be use to promote their own brand. (2012) The Art of Mix And Match. [Image online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 May 2013].

Found this image for showing there was so many types of styles in women fashion.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Essay Topic Analysis

My chosen essay topic is Question 3 which is

Examine the role of women in local or regional fashion-based media. How are women represented? Do they relate to everyday ideas and attitudes of women? 

This are some guideline / questions that could help me further research and more understanding on the essay title:

- What is fashion-based media?
- When does it start? How does it work? Why fashion-based media?
- How women's represented? (case study?) What is the ideas of behind ? How does it effect the attitude      of women?

Therefore, I will start my blog posts based on the question that I listed down above.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

JFK : Ask not what your country can do for you

Last lecture, we are asked to groups in 4 (Jeremy, Gerry , Estee and I) and prepare a 15 minutes of presentation on a speech given in the 20th Century. Our groups have chosen a speech by John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the title is "Ask not what your country can do for you."

Here is the videos of JFK Inaugural Address:

Part 1

Part 2

A full speech can be view on :

The speech delivered by JFK at his inauguration in Washington on the 20th January 1961.

Based on our research, who is John Fitzgerald Kennedy?

  • He is the 35th United States President
  • Elected as the youngest candidate, and became the second youngest president after Theodore roosevelt
  • First Roman Catholic president 
  • Peace Corps, helped underdeveloped countries in education, healthcare, and construction. 
  • Proposed a program of Apollo Project, "Space Race" 
  • Assassinated 22nd November 1963
Where are the speech given?

  • The speech was given in U.S Capitol Building, Washington D.C.
What are they giving the speech on? 
  • This is the one of the greatest speeches in 20th-century American public address.
  • Aim to unify the nation and provide a vision for the future. As he said "Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure survival and the success of liberty." 
  • It emphasized differences between the United States and its enemies, and outlined the specific responsibilities and obligations of the United States and its citizens. As in the phrase, "To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support- to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective, to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak, and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run."
  • Created a bolder vision for American foreign policy, a vision that raised the stakes of the cold war competition and foreshadowed decades of diplomatic, economic, and even military action to support and defend freedom and liberty around the world. He said "And, if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavour - not a new balance of power, but a new world of law - where the strong are just, and the weak secure, and the peace preserved."
Resources :

Why are they giving the speech?
  • To comfort his audience by minimizing the danger when American people were growing increasingly fearful of a long, drawn-out cold war at that time 
  • To communicate and to reach out to many different audiences .Examples: “To those old allies…To those new states…To those people in the huts and villages…To our sister republics south of the border…To that world assembly of sovereign states…to those nations who would make themselves our adversary.” 
  • To shift the responsibility for the present and, ultimately, the future of the nation to the young generation. “Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans…”
  • To convince and reassure the people that he knows what he is doing and what he is getting into.
  • To bring unity to the nation and the world .Examples: "Let both side..." 
Resources :

How was the speech delivered?

- Consistent
- Forceful, persuasive
- Inspiring
- Slowly & deliberately
- Boston Accent


-Two opposite are used in the same sentence.
Short and precise
"Let us never negotiate out of fear, but let us never fear to negotiate"
"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"


- Repetition of words in the same sentence.
The use of anaphora is to emphasize multiple times the importance that Kennedy is putting on engaging with many audiences around the nation and the world (the former example), and to create unity within the nation and the world as a whole (the latter).


-Similarity of structure in pair of series of related words, phrases or clauses.
“All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days; nor in the life of this administration.”

Hortative sentence

-Encourage. Create a bond between him and the audience.
“let us" "let both side"

Imperative sentence 

-Commanding. Leave a lasting impact on the audience.
“ask" "ask not"

Why is it considered by many to be a great speech?
  • Kennedy motivated Americans to defend freedom and democracy and introduced a new era of change with his tactics for presidency, while promoting patriotism and international support as well.
  • The speech not only united Americans, but also non-Americans to fight against poverty, disease, and war around the world. 
  • Fight for war. but not war of destruction but the war against poverty & freedom. Inspired americans to stick together to help the country. 
How did you feel about the speech?
  • "I remember feeling very invigorated by it," Birch says. "Feeling at the end of the speech, man, this really makes me want to do something, to contribute."
  • Feel very invigorated by the speech especially at the end of the speech, it really makes the audience want to do or to contribute something. 
  • Giving motivation , we should look forward and do not give up although we facing the difficulties.
References: (1961) John F. Kennedy: Inaugural Address. U.S. Inaugural Addresses. 1989. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 May 2013].

Mehltretter, S. (n.d.) JOHN F. KENNEDY, "INAUGURAL ADDRESS" (20 JANUARY 1961). [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 May 2013].

Pearson, C. (2009) JFK’s Inaugural Address. [online] Available at: [Accessed: 26 May 2013]. (2006) JFK Inaugural Address 1 of 2. [video online] Available at: [Accessed: 26th May 2013]. (2006) JFK Inaugural Address 2 of 2. [video online] Available at: [Accessed: 26th May 2013].